Thursday 26 February 2009

The Biggest Flower in the World

Rafflesia Arnoldii is one of Indonesia's unique flora as a "rare Indonesia's national flower." It has the name of a diverse language population in accordance with the growth areas, such as "sekedai", "ambun", flowers parasite, ghost flower, "ambai-ambai" and others. There are several types of Rafflesia flowers Acehencis such as Rafflesia, Rafflesia Rochussenii, Rafflesia zollingeriana and others that the growth in some areas in the region Malenesia which includes Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. But the kind of size is generally smaller with each other differently. Rafflesia Arnoldii huge and there are known only in Sumatra and is spreading along the "Bukit Barisan" back from Aceh to Lampung with ecological center in Bengkulu.

The Flower blooms start to open it with one at lobur perigonium or approximately at the time of bud berdiameter 30-35 cm. The length of the development of the bud berdiameter up to 4 cm flowers bloom (bud diameter about 34 cm) is estimated to 310 days. Meanwhile, the time phase of the seeds until the seeds terbentuknya again during the estimated 4.5 - 5 years.

The period of bloom until Arnoldii faded flower Rafflesia is usually 5-7 days, and then decompose and will usually be crowded fly and other insects. Rafflesia Arnoldii flowering throughout the year and during flowering is most often on the wet months.

Bloom time, flower Rafflesia Arnoldi remove the smell a bit rotten. So bring the name with the corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum). In addition Rafflesia Arnoldii also known as "Padma giant" because of the large size.

Stench of Rafflesia Arnoldii will attract different kinds of insects, especially fly. This fly will descend from one flower to another flower. Rafflesia is a Arnoldii settle two plants, so in need penyerbukannya intermediary in the form of animals. Fly is the main animals that assist in pollination. Penyerbuk fly on this plant is Lucilia sp (bluebottle) and Sarchopaga (fly ash-gray). If the female flower diserbuki can then be produced which contains more than 100 seeds. Male flowers and female flowers will be difficult when we see from the outside because both red kecoklat-coklatan with white spots.

Rafflesia Arnoldii seeds that are on the network which can only unravel the plants grow when there is seeding spreader animals that act as seed plants, roots and harm the wet nurse. Animals have the responsibility in the spread of this seed is suspected to originate from mammals berkuku (ungulata) such as wild pigs, deer, deer and squirrel species.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Population Density in Bengkulu are 81people Per Square Km

Bengkulu (News): The level of population density in the province of Bengkulu still relatively less than other areas that average 81 people per kilometer (km) square.

Governor of Bengkulu Agusrin Maryon Najamuddin, Tuesday [10/07] out of the nine district / city in the region's most populous city of Bengkulu provincial capital as the 1906 people per square km.

"The most low kepadatannya ie District Mukomuko only 32 people per square km," he said.

Review of the distribution, population in the Province of Bengkulu more in the District and the City of North Bengkulu Bengkulu and Rejang Lebong District.

Proportion of the distribution of population in the North Bengkulu Regency reached 20.69 percent, 17.23 percent of Bengkulu and Rejang Lebong 15.52 percent of the population of the province is about 1.6 million people.

A large spread of the population in the three areas that, according to him is very closely related to the importance of the role of the three districts / cities in the economic activities in the province of Bengkulu.

Regency of North Bengkulu and Rejang Lebong for this to be the center of the development of agro business and especially the type of large plantations of oil palm and rubber.

While the City of Bengkulu, pust as governance, trade and education.

"Conditions that and encourage people from other districts and even from outside the province to come to the three areas," he said.

About population growth, according to him relatively quickly. In the period of 25 years (1980-2005) the population has increased to double that of only 0.77 million in 1980 to be 1.6 million in 2005.

For 2006, the collection has not been done already namuan estimated to amount to a number 1.7 million.

Meanwhile, for sex, according to him in the Province Bengkuu still more men than women.

Male population in the province to 26-is or as many as 815,471 inhabitants of 51.03 percent, while the women's 782,706 people, or 49.97 percent. (Ant)

Thursday 19 February 2009

What is Long Beach

"Long Beach" is a Natural Recreation Tourism that is located 3 km from the center of Bengkulu City, can be of various types of vehicles. Many tourists visited the archipelago and Reference. Lie more or less along the 7 km wide and 500 m with a carpet of white sand sloping.

Distinguish this beach along the coastal fringe growth with fir and pine trees that add coolness, so that the visitors who came to witness the beauty of nature and the sinking sun and sun bathing on the morning or evening with wind gust gentle. Facilities in the area around Long Beach tourism objects such as hotels, Cottage, Restaurant, Swimming Pool, Sauna and children, and the parking lot of a freelance, etc. Post the security police.

When turnover of theNew Year's night in the area of tourism object is visited by many people, tourists and newcomers to establish tents near the beach.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Long Beach of Bengkulu

Bengkulu (ANTARA) - "Long Beach", tourism is the mainstay of Bengkulu during this visit a lot of tourists, said Tourism Head Office Edi Nevian in Bengkulu.
Carpet clean white sand and shimmer when exposed to sunlight to "welcome" the tourists who came to Long Beach tourism, the City of Bengkulu.
"Tourists who come to Long Beach will be happy and to enjoy recreation with comfortable and safe. They can sit back or even on the white sand and clean," he said.
Long Beach, have a length of seven kilometers and is one of the beach terpanjang in Indonesia, and for this to be one of the most crowded tourism dikunjung the tourists both domestic and foreign.
Location, is the central tourist area of international development that was built since mid-2007 target and finished in 2008, with a total budget reached Rp1 trillion.
"In addition to enjoy the beautiful white sand and kelembuatan, Long Beach visitors can also see the beautiful sunset and the carpet looked Samudera Indonesia," he said.
Long Beach also has the peculiarity of the beaches in Indonesia, ie, along the coast that the sea ditumbuhi pine, one of the protected plants.
Long Beach location, only 4 km from the center of Bengkulu city and easily accessible to the public.
Around the area is tourism, said Edi, has also been available cottages peristirihatan such as shelter, food, Cottages, entertainment, and hotels.
On the location of this beach is also equipped with various facilities and infrastructure supporting tourism, such as asphalt roads that can be passed vehicles, electricity, and others that are very suitable for recreation with family, Edi Nevian light.
Long Beach is one of 80 tourism and have a uniqueness, an object consists of 14 beaches, eight Tirta (water), 22 and 36 historic beauty of nature.

Monday 16 February 2009

Tribes in Bengkulu

From English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The tribes of the people who inhabit Bengkulu province can be grouped into the tribe of native and newcomer, although now the two groups mixed mixed start. The dominant language used is language Rejang, which many understood by most people, other than the Malay language (Bahasa Indonesia) and the language Serawai. Island in the language used Enggano Enggano. The tribes of indigenous tribes include the following:

1. Mukomuko, inhabit Regency Mukomuko;
2. Pekal, inhabit Mukomuko Regency and Regency of North Bengkulu;
3. Rejang, mediami Regency of North Bengkulu, Kepahiang, Rejang Lebong and Lebong;
4. Lembak, inhabit areas of Bengkulu and Rejang Lebong District;
5. Serawai, inhabit Regency Seluma and South Bengkulu;
6. Pasemah, inhabit South Bengkulu Regency and Kaur;
7. Kaur, Kaur Regency inhabit;
8. tribes indigenous Enggano (there are six group), inhabited island Enggano.

Tribe newcomers include Malay, Javanese (from), Bugis, Madurese, Minangkabau, Batak, Sundanese, and others.

Sunday 15 February 2009

About Bengkulu

Bengkulu (formerly known as Bencoolen, Benkoelen, or Bengkulen, some call Bangkahulu) is a province located on the island of Sumatra. To the north is bordered by West Sumatra, in the east of Jambi and South Sumatra, while in the south with the Lampung.


In the area of Bengkulu now been established kingdoms, such as ethnic River Serut Kingdom, the Kingdom of Selebar, Pat Petulai Kingdom, the Kingdom of Central Buntar, Kingdom River Lemau, Sekiris Kingdom, the Kingdom of Great House, and the Kingdom of Marau cheery. Under the Sultanate of Banten, they become vazal.

British East India Company (EIC) since 1685 to establish trade center Bencoolen and pepper and place in storage now the City of Bengkulu. At that time, EIC expedition led by Ralph Ord and William Cowley to find a substitute for pepper trade center after the port of Banten falling into the hands of the VOC and EIC are forbidden to trade there. Treaties with the Kingdom of Selebar dated 12 July 1685 to allow the UK to establish a stronghold and various building trade. Fortress York was founded in 1685 around the River estuary Serut. The name "Bencoolen" is the name taken from a hill in Cullen, Scotland, Bin of Cullen (or variations, Ben Cullen). Since 1713 the fort was built Marlborough (completed 1719), which until now still standing upright. However, these companies realize the long run it is not profitable because it can not produce sufficient quantities of pepper.

Implementation since the New Testament London 1824, Bengkulu submitted to the Netherlands, with the Malacca rewards (as well as confirmation of ownership Tumasik / Singapore and Pulau Belitung). Bengkulu since then become part of the Dutch East Indies.

Discovery of gold deposits in the Rejang Lebong second half of the 19th century to make the place as a center of gold mining until the 20th century. Currently, commercial mining activities have been discontinued since the utmost deposit.

In the 1930's, the place Bengkulu disposal a number of supporters of independence activists, including Sukarno. At the time this is Fatmawati Sukarno acquainted with the soon to be his wife.

Since the independence of Indonesia, Bengkulu first into residency in the South Sumatra Province. New since the 18 November 1968 raised the status to a province-26 (before termuda East Timor).

Saturday 14 February 2009

Where is Bengkulu

Bengkulu city is the capital of Bengkulu province, Indonesia. The city has a total area 144.52 km ² and has a more or less as many as 200,000 people. Bengkulu city is located by the beach overlooking the island of Sumatra to the Indian Ocean. Bengkulu province itself is located on the west coast of Sumatra island at the position 101 ° 1 '- 104 ° 46' BT and 2 ° 16 'to 5 ° 13' LS, which is parallel with the longitudinal and Bukit Barisan dealing directly with the Indian Ocean with a 525 km long coast knowledgeable and territorial 48,075 km ².

The city is famous as the place had been the relegation Bung Karno years in the period 1939 - 1942 in the Netherlands-Indies. In addition, in this city there is the United Kingdom heritage fort, Fort Marlborough, which is located by the beach. Now the beach area near the fort is being attempted to be developed for tourism purposes.

Bengkulu City in the last few years, often tektonik that the earthquake was in the meeting berepisentrum plates tektonik Indian Ocean and Asia tektonik plates.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

The Pictures Collection

The Malborough Gate

Thomas Park Monumen

Kampoeng China Gate ( Chinese Town Gate)

Malborough from satelite