Monday 16 February 2009

Tribes in Bengkulu

From English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The tribes of the people who inhabit Bengkulu province can be grouped into the tribe of native and newcomer, although now the two groups mixed mixed start. The dominant language used is language Rejang, which many understood by most people, other than the Malay language (Bahasa Indonesia) and the language Serawai. Island in the language used Enggano Enggano. The tribes of indigenous tribes include the following:

1. Mukomuko, inhabit Regency Mukomuko;
2. Pekal, inhabit Mukomuko Regency and Regency of North Bengkulu;
3. Rejang, mediami Regency of North Bengkulu, Kepahiang, Rejang Lebong and Lebong;
4. Lembak, inhabit areas of Bengkulu and Rejang Lebong District;
5. Serawai, inhabit Regency Seluma and South Bengkulu;
6. Pasemah, inhabit South Bengkulu Regency and Kaur;
7. Kaur, Kaur Regency inhabit;
8. tribes indigenous Enggano (there are six group), inhabited island Enggano.

Tribe newcomers include Malay, Javanese (from), Bugis, Madurese, Minangkabau, Batak, Sundanese, and others.

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