Thursday 26 February 2009

The Biggest Flower in the World

Rafflesia Arnoldii is one of Indonesia's unique flora as a "rare Indonesia's national flower." It has the name of a diverse language population in accordance with the growth areas, such as "sekedai", "ambun", flowers parasite, ghost flower, "ambai-ambai" and others. There are several types of Rafflesia flowers Acehencis such as Rafflesia, Rafflesia Rochussenii, Rafflesia zollingeriana and others that the growth in some areas in the region Malenesia which includes Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. But the kind of size is generally smaller with each other differently. Rafflesia Arnoldii huge and there are known only in Sumatra and is spreading along the "Bukit Barisan" back from Aceh to Lampung with ecological center in Bengkulu.

The Flower blooms start to open it with one at lobur perigonium or approximately at the time of bud berdiameter 30-35 cm. The length of the development of the bud berdiameter up to 4 cm flowers bloom (bud diameter about 34 cm) is estimated to 310 days. Meanwhile, the time phase of the seeds until the seeds terbentuknya again during the estimated 4.5 - 5 years.

The period of bloom until Arnoldii faded flower Rafflesia is usually 5-7 days, and then decompose and will usually be crowded fly and other insects. Rafflesia Arnoldii flowering throughout the year and during flowering is most often on the wet months.

Bloom time, flower Rafflesia Arnoldi remove the smell a bit rotten. So bring the name with the corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum). In addition Rafflesia Arnoldii also known as "Padma giant" because of the large size.

Stench of Rafflesia Arnoldii will attract different kinds of insects, especially fly. This fly will descend from one flower to another flower. Rafflesia is a Arnoldii settle two plants, so in need penyerbukannya intermediary in the form of animals. Fly is the main animals that assist in pollination. Penyerbuk fly on this plant is Lucilia sp (bluebottle) and Sarchopaga (fly ash-gray). If the female flower diserbuki can then be produced which contains more than 100 seeds. Male flowers and female flowers will be difficult when we see from the outside because both red kecoklat-coklatan with white spots.

Rafflesia Arnoldii seeds that are on the network which can only unravel the plants grow when there is seeding spreader animals that act as seed plants, roots and harm the wet nurse. Animals have the responsibility in the spread of this seed is suspected to originate from mammals berkuku (ungulata) such as wild pigs, deer, deer and squirrel species.

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