Wednesday 1 April 2009

Potential of Nature Tourism

Pantai Panjang ( Long Beach)

There are many natural attractions in the area of Bengkulu province that can bring visitors to feel the effect of the tour unforgettable. Bengkulu City in the Long Beach there is a beautiful and unique, far more beautiful than the beach in Bali or places other beach recreation. "Pantai Panjang Bengkulu" is the area of coastal beaches stretch out in the coastal West Sumatra island along the more than 10 kilometers decorated pine trees line the beach so beautiful, romantic and different atmosphere from the beach anywhere in the world. Decorated white sand and the waves deburan clean and exotic. Position of the beach which is located in western enables us to enjoy the moment 'sun-set' is so beautiful every day.

Traditional fishing activities in the morning and evening will add to the charming taste of each visitor pro-recreation in this beach. We can also play with the water bath on the beach, surfing, canoeing, duck train, jet-skiing and various games and other water sport.

Travelers can also enjoy the sensation to 'jogging' along the coast in the 'Jogging Track' which became a unit of infrastructure 'Regions Internasonal Tour' which was built by the Government of the Province of Bengkulu.

While enjoying the panoramic 'mouth water', the length of the beach visitors can also enjoy building megahnya Fort Marlborough, one of the largest Building Benteng Defense and most important in England during Colonial Asia. There are also areas' Kampung China tour will take visitors to the beach to feel how long the Indian Ocean with the beach is' muhibah bridge 'between the world.

With the facilities the hotel, resort, bungalow, and a cafe 'sea-view' will add to the comfort of your tour at the Long Beach Bengkulu. Right in the middle area of the beach stood Bengkulu Indah Mall with a variety of amenities to bring you the atmosphere of travel and still feel the center of the city. Enjoy Your Taste Exotic Long Beach in Bengkulu.

Pulau Tikus ( Tikus Island )

Rat island is a small coral island in the offshore Bengkulu City. This island is located 90 nautical miles from the coast of Bengkulu to the Indian Ocean. The island houses a variety of ornamental fish and as a place to stay over for the collection of fish that is being migrated from one hemisphere to the other hemisphere.

This island is very promising as the tourism perarian especially fishing, diving, Tennis Courts, and various other water attractions. Flickering lights in the City of Bengkulu 'seujung eye' add eksotisme tour on the island at night. At the end of the weekend many of tourists visit the island for 'rags' to remove the dead on the island while berekreasi fishing and enjoy the beauty coral reef.

Danau Dendam Tak Sudah ( Dendam Tak Sudah Lake )

Is a lake located in the middle of Bengkulu City. Land basin which contains fresh water from springs that flow from the hilly area to the north and east of Bengkulu City. There are many legends and folklore associated with this lake. Around the lake a lot of swamp vegetation ditumbuhi typical tropical forest into native habitat 'Anggrek Vanda' yan nuftah plasma is a protected area of Lake this is not revenge.

Located in the environment of the community Lembak The Bengkulu with all the traditions and customs istiadatnya, on the morning of the lake from this side seems to invite us to welcome mentari akan ascended to the throne. Agricultural activities, fishing and traditional people around the promise of comfort and tranquility for the tourists who berekreasi to this place.

In the west there is a lake cottages complete with a tour treat boiled corn and roasted corn with a unique flavor taste lembak community. Looking towards the middle of the lake and enjoy the vegetation in the akan more fun, while enjoying the treat young coconut drink a lot of stalls provided at the stall on the edge-lake, complete with rocks, and palm sugar typical Bengkulu.

Fort Marlborough

Fort Marlborough is building a bunker located in the coastal area of Tapak cleric - Bengkulu City. This fortress built by the colonial British in the year 1914 - 1719 under the leadership of Governor-General Colin Josef during their occupation in the Bengkulu area. Benteng Marlborough is the largest fortress ever built by the British during kolonialismenya nation in Southeast Asia.

Construction of this fort Fort Marlborough are very thick with the English style of architecture to the Century 20-a 'magnificent' and 'established'. The form of the entire building complex resembles a fortress cut body 'turtle' is very impressive power and grandeur. Details of the European Taste impress the existence of the nation's most successful and at that time. From various legacy that is still in the building there is a fortress can also note that at the time of this building also serves as a center of various activities including offices, even prisons.

Various historical record have occurred in this Fort Marlborough, among the various events in the life of the nation Bengkulu in the UK at that time, some party among them, the marriage, the story of some spices, wars that occur, to a story gugurnya Hamilton, gugurnya Thomas Parr and conquest / control of this fortress during the six months more or less resistance by Tobo Bengkulu with Rajo Lelo it.

In the age of three centuries has been reached, the value of the building more than just historic buildings located in Bengkulu this Earth. But Fort Marlborough is also the 'inscription' is braided around the interaction of two different nations, the English nation and the nation Bengkulu Malay '. Fort Marlborough like 'jewel history' brings together the sweet memories of two different nations in a string necklace 'peradaban' honor its own. Fort Marlborough is a site that no tourist should miss when visiting Bengkulu. (Al Aksan)

2. Fort York
Site Benteng York is an area of debris, rubble stones bagunan former Fort York. This location is a historic site because the zamannya, at this location had a bunker stood first in the land of colonialism Ingggris Bengkulu. This fort site is located in Muara Sungai Bengkulu to stick in a little. The building is pure function as the main bastion of the nation before the British moved akhirya after the completion of Fort Marlbrough.

Unlike the atmosphere at the site of Fort Marlborough more nuanced tour eksotisme period of history and colonial atmosphere in the Fort York site more promising for the visitors who mengingingkan bernostalgia with mistisme the past. Various Ceritera of mouth is very impressive that lawatan to this site can bring pegunjung interact with a variety of shadow at the time of life when the Fort is still used. This site is very promising for the period between the spirited traveler.

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